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10 Tips on how to quit smoking gradually


What makes smoking cigarettes addictive?

smoking cigarettes

Often when we look around, we see a lot of people smoking cigarettes around us - primarily gathered in corners in groups of 4-5. Smoking cigarettes has become an everyday activity but is not without consequences. Smoking cigarettes is a highly addictive habit and the majority of smokers are unable to quit this habit. Cigarettes are tobacco products, and they contain nicotine in them. Nicotine changes the way our brain functions and makes us crave more of it - thus falling us into a trap of addiction. It also releases dopamine that gives us an instant “good feeling”. People often continue smoking cigarettes to chase this momentary “good feeling” and are unable to give up this harmful habit. 


How is cigarette bad for health?

cigarette is bad

Cigarettes are not merely addictive, they are also harmful to our health. Tobacco contains many harmful components that can severely damage health, like carbon monoxide and tar. In some products, the level of tobacco is quite dangerous. Smoking cigarettes can lead to cancer, lung disease, stroke, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These are all very serious health conditions that are often aggravated by smoking. The risk of tuberculosis, lower immunity, and other respiratory diseases also increase due to regular cigarette smoking. It is noted that smoking leads to a lower sperm count in men, thus affecting their fertility. It also increases the risk of birth defects and miscarriages. So, cigarettes are quite detrimental to our health with their high risks and addictive nature. It does not just affect us, but our loved ones suffer too. 


Top 10 tips on how to quit smoking gradually

Everyone, who is addicted to smoking cigarettes, should plan to quit this nasty habit. It is not a pleasant process to resolve addiction, but it is not impossible. With gradual steps and the right treatment, smokers can leave this habit. Some tips can help you answer how to quit smoking easily:


Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) focuses on the most addictive part of cigarettes - nicotine. Since it is highly addictive, when a person quits Nicotine, there are likely going to be unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can be disturbing for some people and is a reason why people move back to smoking cigarettes. Through nicotine replacement therapy, people are given nicotine - in the form of patches, nicotine gums, sprays, etc removing the other toxic chemicals present in tobacco. NRT can reduce physical symptoms. The rationale behind this is to gradually reduce the dependency on nicotine by psychologically making the person more strong and more determined. 


Avoid triggers


Most addictive habits have triggers that motivate the person to indulge in that behaviour. The triggers can be emotional or present in the external environment. A simple way to quit smoking is to try to avoid those triggers. The first step here is to answer - “what triggers me to smoke a cigarette?”. It could be a particular time of the day or activity after which you feel like smoking. Then, you have to consciously develop a system to avoid the trigger. The best way is to distract yourself through work or a leisure activity when the trigger presents itself. This requires strong determination and control. It is a psychological trick to avoid the clue that triggers the behaviour of smoking. 


Going cold turkey

quit smoking

Going cold turkey means quitting smoking cigarettes altogether in a go. It is the answer to how to stop smoking immediately. This is a little tricky way to quit smoking because of the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. When you abruptly stop the consumption of nicotine, the withdrawal symptoms can be more intense and difficult to handle. This approach might work for some people who can switch their behaviours or have strong self-control. Going cold turkey might be very intense for the initial week when the most symptoms appear and the desire to smoke is strong. Subsequently, the symptoms fade away and the desire goes away as well. 


Use NRTs

nicotine gum

NRTs mean Nicotine Replacement Therapy. These are substances that can be used in place of cigarettes like nicotine batches, sprays, gums ,etc can be used in conjunction with cigarettes to gradually quit smoking. NRTs do not contain the other harmful substances that tobacco contained, so these are relatively not harmful to the body. These can be used whenever the person feels like smoking, and then gradually their usage can be decreased. NRTs are more common now than before, and there are many options to choose from, depending on the preference of the person. These require less self-control as firstly they target physical symptoms, and then psychological dependency. 


Prepare for quit day

quit smoking

Setting a quit day can help some people to quit smoking. It is nothing but the day after which you have to stop smoking. Preparing for a quit day gives you time to understand your own behaviour and needs. It helps to anticipate the changes you might have to face, and what will help you through them. You can even make a quit plan with positive affirmations and motivational content. It is also important to accept support from others when needed. You can make your family and friends a part of your "quit day". They can help you manage your triggers and symptoms. With a help of a community, it is easier to unlearn addictive behaviour. 


Non-nicotine medications

nicotine medication

Since there is a strong dependency on nicotine, some people might find it difficult to control their cravings. The physical and psychological symptoms are also too much to handle for some people. In such cases, it is wise to opt for non-nicotine medications. There are many medications available in the market. Most of these medications stop craving by targeting the nicotine receptors, some block those receptors while some medications mirror nicotine to give you a false “feel good” that smoking gave. It is recommended to consult a doctor before taking these medications and to follow your prescription properly for the dosage of these medicines. 


Rechargeable vape

effervape rechargeable vape

Rechargeable vapes are the new trend in the market. These can be used in place of cigarettes. Rechargeable vapes are more cost-effective as compared to cigarettes. Organizations like Effervape Indonesia provide many different vape flavours to cater to the preferences of people. These vapes are more experimental, can be used for a longer time, and are easier to carry as well. Rechargeable vapes can help manage the urges of smoking and the displeasing effect of withdrawal from cigarettes.  


Seek behavioural support 

doctor consultation

Behavioural support or behavioural therapy is a way to use therapeutic and scientific ways to alter behaviour. The most common behavioural support is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), and it is quite effective in directing behavioural changes. CBT works through the thought process, inducing a change in the way we perceive and react. Such therapies are quite impactful in cases of addiction. Behavioural support can help you break the mental connection with smoking, dissociate with the habit, and be involved in healthy behaviours. 


Disposable vape

Disposable vape

Disposable vapes are another product trending in the market as an alternative to traditional cigarette tape. Disposable vape need not be charged or maintained, it can be disposed once the vape flavour or the battery is over. These are convenient for people who want something to manage their withdrawal symptoms at the moment. They can be easily carried and used as per convenience. 


Try relaxation techniques

women relaxing near a lake

Relaxation techniques are quite helpful in calming the mind. These include simple breathing exercises, basic yoga, and something as simple as taking a walk in nature. The most preferred and effective are breathing exercises. Whenever a trigger presents itself, you take a deep breath, count to 5 - focus on your breath, and breathe out. You can repeat this or similar breathing exercises till the effect of the trigger fades away. Relaxation techniques help you to take your mind off the dopamine high that smoking cigarettes give. Relaxation techniques are the answer to how to stop smoking naturally. 


How long does it take to fully stop smoking? 


The time to fully stop smoking differs from person to person. Roughly, it takes around two weeks for the symptoms to go away and the urges to subside. Some people can go cold turkey and fully stop smoking in a day whereas some people prefer gradual steps, and can take up to a month to fully stop smoking. There is no set timeline, and it should be basis the convenience of the person. One should not rush it - carefully assess your symptoms and follow an approach that works out for you.


Smoking is bad for the health

No to smoking

It is pretty evident, by now, that smoking is quite bad for your health. It is addictive and has many harmful consequences. People should start today and try to quit smoking. It might take some time to do so, but with determination and willpower, it can be done. You can always use vapes or hookah as an alternative to traditional cigarettes to escape the toxins of cigarettes.

Enjoy many options provided by Effervape Indonesia (Check out our latest Effervape Collection) to kickstart your journey to quit cigarettes today. 

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